Outfluence LLC

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Visionaries for a Better Tomorrow

People who see the world as it will be tomorrow and who understand its needs are visionaries. They possess education, expertise, imagination and experience. As we get ready to enter a work-world filled with uncertainties that were unthinkable just a couple of months ago, we NEED visionaries.

Forbes has nine predictions for a post-Coronavirus world. Most notable are

·      A strengthened digital infrastructure for remote work

·      More hybrid events where parts of the event take place in person and others are delivered digitally

·      Tele-medicine or virtual consultations

·      More contactless interfaces and interactions

An area of science that will impact these predictions involves productivity improvement and analysis. Identimap combines visual analytics and pattern recognition intelligence, opening up applications for everything from candidate selection to team compatibility and productivity improvement in any organization.

The most valuable asset in any organization is people. People are the off-the-balance-sheet assets that genuinely determine the value of an organization in the long run. There is no line item on the balance sheet or the income statement that defines the dollar value of an organization’s people. No accounting rules exist for the people asset.

And, there is no line item in the balance sheet that defines the asset value created from the growth of leadership skills in an organization, nor recognizes the increased value of gifted leaders. There is also no way to define the dollars wasted in time and training when people don’t grow in their positions.

I believe that a personality is an asset or a liability. From a young high school student choosing a career path, to a working professional trying to understand why they are passed over for a promotion, or a manager trying to select the best person for a position, personality either paves the way or gets in the way of a person’s progress.

Well over 30 million Americans have lost their jobs during the pandemic lock down. Many businesses are facing restructuring of their workforce, and costs related to employees are rising. Careful hiring is at the forefront of the American, and worldwide, workplace. Finding visionaries is the key. Identimap has not only identified the challenges in candidate selection and team compatibility and improvement, they have created the solution.

Contact me today at 410-365-0742 or at al.betz@outfluence.com to arrange a 20-minute demonstration of the Identimap solution to your hiring and management challenges.